

This instrument has the capability to separate out some synthetic categories and will refer some irradiated diamonds. It is designed to make a measurement with the sample immersed in liquid nitrogen, therefore is only suitable for loose stones. The instrument makes a laser-excited photoluminescence measurement and will return an automatic pass or refer result.

The instrument will refer HPHT Type II diamonds and a percentage of untreated natural Type II diamonds. Any stones which are referred would require further testing in a lab environment, using more sensitive, low temperature photoluminescence equipment.

The DiamondPlus performs best on high colour Type II diamonds and the referral rate may increase as the strength of the brown colour increases.

DiamondPlus is approximately 15cm in width, 26cm in diameter and 10cm in height.


  • Compact, protective and handy carry case
  • IEC mains supply lead (for destination country)
  • 2 sample holders
  • 3 sample holder pins
  • Pair of tweezers
  • 1 year parts/service warranty

Technical Support

Should you require technical support, please send an email to [email protected].

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